vhs-Veranstaltung: Englisch die Stadt erkunden - City Tour Pfaffenhofen

Sprache Erleben - Raus aus dem Klassenzimmer!

Enjoy some of the nicest places and most interesting parts of Bavarian history in Pfaffenhofen with our experienced tour guide Adi Dehn.
Would you like to learn more about the history of the city and about the most important buildings and squares? On this exciting, informative and entertaining city tour you will get a well-founded historical insight and learn surprising anecdotes about the history of Pfaffenhofen. The tour includes about 15 stations, starting at the town hall, past the former city wall and the church St. Johannes Baptist to the Marian statue on the main square.

Treffpunkt: Rathaus Pfaffenhofen
Dozent: Dehn, Adi
Voraussetzung: Englischkenntnisse mind. auf Niveau B1/B2
Gebühr: 6,00 EUR
Kursnummer: 242A3381


vhs Landkreis Pfaffenhofen aus Pfaffenhofen

Hauptplatz 22, 85276 Pfaffenhofen
+49 8441 274000
Webseite von vhs Landkreis Pfaffenhofen

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